Friday, May 2, 2008

Return on Life: Goals in theory vs. goals in real life

I recently began a walking/jogging program in earnest. My goal is to run a half marathon race this fall, so this is the first step. Having been a runner (many 10k races and one half marathon) in the past, I had a sense of what a half marathon training program looks like. I also knew how out of shape I was. To begin, I found a training program that would help me realistically get from walking 30-45 minutes to a straight jog. So I was taking all the steps to making my goal a SMART one (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timebound).

Because I began in early March, my first few weeks of training were all indoors, on the running track at the local YMCA. I was progressing well, each session left me tired, but ultimately feeling stronger. Until.....the first spring day arrived and I did my walk/run outdoors. I could hardly believe how much more difficult it was! I'd forgotten how much difference even small changes in elevation (believe me, I can't claim there were actual hills involved!) and moving air (no high winds either) could make.

Since that day I've been able to train outdoors once or twice each week. Each time, I'm reminded of the lesson I learned about artificial circumstances vs. the real world, which is what I want to share with you today: Even when you set SMART goals, things will be different when you begin, in the real world, to take the actions needed to reach the goals. And that's okay. Stay focused on the actions you know you need to take, absorb the reality, adjust if needed, and keep moving forward. I take a nice hot bubble bath after my outdoor runs as a treat for the extra effort (and yes, to help my muscles recover). Don't allow real life to get you off track!

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