Friday, January 11, 2008

Be certain the goals you set are yours

Setting goals that stick requires that you set goals (and activities to get you there) that are truly yours, not someone else's. It's easy, especially this time of year, to take on goals that sound good, but that we have not really thought through. This also works at the level of deciding what activities you'll undertake to reach the goals.

I was reminded of this yesterday during a conversation with my friend Michelle. We are both working on getting in better shape this year. Michelle's goal is to workout every other day for 60 minutes. As a former body builder, that will likely include weight lifting at least twice per week with various aerobic activities thrown in. I, on the other hand, as a former runner, have a goal of running in a half marathon in September. My regimen will be made up mostly of walking, jogging, and running, with a little strength training thrown in.

We are working toward the same general goal--better health through a stronger, more fit body. But we're taking our own paths to get there. As you think about your goals, be sure they're goals that truly matter to YOU. And set up the daily activities accordingly.

Have a great weekend!

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