A recent Associated Press (AP) article provides proof that doing something for others (including spending money on them) makes us happier than doing the same for ourselves. Researchers at University of British Columbia and Harvard University wanted to build on previous studies (which showed that having more money can increase happiness) by conducting a study looking at whether the way people spent their money made any difference. They found that doing something for others made people happy, which may not surprise you. What could be surprising was the fact that the level of happiness was significantly higher when the individuals in the study did something for others--whether it involved money or time. This effect was noticeable even when small amounts of money or effort were involved.
So, if you want to get more out of life, do something for someone else today, even if you only have resources to begin with something small!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Return on Life: Now we have proof of what makes us happier!
Posted by Becky Hooman at 12:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: happiness, positive thinking
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Return on Life: Perspective is critical
I always read the "Dear Abby" type column in my daily newspaper--it's fascinating to read about the interpersonal issues people face and the suggestions for dealing with them. A recent edition provided a great example of the subtle way we transfer responsibility for our emotions and reactions away from ourselves.
Here is the passage: "Many of today's baby boomers suffer hearing loss from listening to loud music or living in noisy environments. It can cause irritability, negativism, anger, fatigue, tension, stress and depression, and can lead to social withdrawal."
Certainly hearing loss may result in these effects, but for most of the items on the list, we are choosing that reaction. That doesn't make those results any more palatable, but it does put them back in the category of things we can control--or at least influence--rather than the category of things over which we have no control.
Think about which terminology you use--are negative results you're experiencing actually caused by an outside influence, or are they caused by your reaction to them? If they're caused by your reaction, direct your efforts to reducing or eliminating those reactions. You'll have less stress, and increase your return on life!
Posted by Becky Hooman at 2:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: emotional reactions, increase your return on life, reducing stress
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Return on Life: Kids make the best teachers sometimes!
Today's edition of North Journal (March 5, 2008) from Trib Total Media contains a story that illustrates how easy it is to make a difference in the lives of others. Fourth grade students of Kathleen Geigel at Richland Elementary have embarked on "Project Snuggle", which involves making fleece blankets for schoolmates facing tough times. The kids had hear about a similar project at Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh, called Project Linus, where volunteers make the blankets for patients. They were so inspired, they decided to do the same within their school.
We all sympathize with others when they face tough times, and appreciate the kind thoughts of others when we're the ones having difficulty. Ms. Geigel's class, however, shows us how to take it a step further. Their classmates may be dealing with situations they can't control (one recipient is facing surgery, for example), but these fourth graders have figured out what they CAN do to help. Imagine the love that's poured into each and every one of those blankets! Imagine how the recipients feel when they're snuggled up inside! And, imagine how good the kids who made the blankets feel!
What small step can you take today to ease a difficult time for a friend, colleague, or family member? Amazingly, doing something to increase someone else's Return on Life will actually increase the Return on your Life as well!
Thanks, Kathleen Geigel's Richland Elementary Fourth Grade Class, for setting a great example!
Posted by Becky Hooman at 1:05 PM 0 comments