Monday, April 28, 2008

Return on Life: The Groundhog Day Lesson

I'm not referring to February 2, celebrated as Groundhog Day each year, but to the 1993 movie starring Bill Murray and Andie McDowell. I had seen it when it first came out, but hadn't actually watched it since. My husband and I happened across it this weekend. All I had really remembered (and frankly, ever heard reference to) was that the movie was about Bill Murray getting stuck living Groundhog Day over and over again in an endless loop. I thought of it as a mindless Bill Murray comedy.

As we watched again this weekend, I realized that I had missed the entire message (or at least not retained it). If you haven't seen this movie for awhile, watch it again. What you'll learn is that the reason Bill was stuck on that same day is that he hadn't learned to care or think about others. Once he did--truly, not just by pretending--he was able to move forward with his life. It was all about how he saw things and what he focused on. The movie illustrates one of the five basic attitudes necessary for increasing your Return on Life--have an attitude of love.

Are you feeling stuck in your life--as if it's the same day over and over again? Watch Groundhog Day, and adopt an attitude of looking at what's right in the world, and how you can make the lives of others better. Just as in the movie, it will propel you to a brighter, sunnier future. It will increase your Return on Life!

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