Thursday, January 31, 2008

Attitude: Abundance vs. Scarcity Mentality

One of the attitudes that will help you increase your return on life is an attitude of abundance versus scarcity. An attitude of scarcity assumes that because someone else has something, you cannot have it. Now, obviously, if you are considering the status of the same physical item, you both can't have it at the same time. But if you're talking about intangibles such as success or love or happiness, one person having them doesn't keep you from attaining them at the same time. This brings in the concept of abundance mentality. Abundance mentality is the realization that just because someone else has (or desires) somthing, it does not preclude you having the same thing.
This is on my mind particularly this week, as I am preparing for an event which is a perfect example of abundance mentality at work. Next Tuesday, February 5, from 3-7 p.m. there is a region-wide celebration of networking being held at the Radisson Greentree. It is a particularly noteworthy event when you realize who is behind the effort: Not one, but two referral networking organizations who are direct competitors to each other are working together on it. It's the second year they've done this. Deanna Tucci-Schmitt of BNI (Business Network International) and Tom Reda of TSBN (The Small Business Network) understand that even though business people eventually must choose between their two organizations, both organizations grow stronger and support their members better if they work together on events such as this, which help everyone become more effective referral networkers. It's a beautiful thing, and if you haven't registered yet for the event, check it out at !
Are you abundant or scarce in your mentality? Give it some thought today!

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