Friday, May 23, 2008

Return on Life: We're all in the same boat!

Yesterday I was the keynote speaker at a workshop presented by Pittsburgh Professional Women (PPW). My speech was preceded by a panel of five female business owners. Beth Caldwell, of PPW, asked each panelist a series of questions around the topic "Getting paid what you're worth." Her questions addressed issues such as how each panelist set fees, whether fees were the same for the same product or service sold to different markets, and what they would have done differently in starting their businesses.

The panelists ranged from young to not young and their businesses included psychologist, life coach, DJ, personal organizer, and an owner of multiple businesses including one which sells furniture.

What was interesting about their responses was the similarity of the issues they faced. Each dealt with them differently, but when it came right down to it, they have all faced many of the same struggles in building their businesses. And by their comments, the attendees (mainly women in business as well) faced the same issues. The workshop was a good reminder of how helpful it is just to hear 1) we all struggle with the same issues, and 2) it helps to hear other's perspective of how to deal with the struggles--or even sometimes just to share our own.

I believe this is true of our lives in general. Sometimes we feel as though we are the only one struggling with a particular issue. That alone-ness makes it difficult to maintain a positive attitude. I can say pretty confidently that whatever struggle you are having, someone else has the same struggle now, or has in the past. Sharing your struggles (not whining and complaining, mind you) helps just in the sharing, but also by confirming that we are not alone. That in itself can improve your attitude. It might also help you find a solution to the issue. Being willing to share past struggles and how you've dealt with them can help someone dealing with a current issue.

We sometimes tend to believe that others have it all figured out simply because we don't see evidence of struggles. Don't imagine that you're the only one, and don't hesitate to seek help or to provide it. Either way, you'll be part of making this journey of life a more fulfilling one all the way around!

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