Friday, May 30, 2008

Return on Life: It takes time...

My chiropractor compares the need for some level of maintenance of skeletal alignment to the need to brush your teeth more than one time. That's a perfect analogy for managing your time as well. How many times have you put your foot down, thinking, "Ok, I'm going to get all my tasks and piles on my desk organized so that I know what I have to do." You may spend a couple of hours sorting everything, making a list and plotting it all out (or maybe you were too intimidated by what's ON your desk to even try to begin!). But once you're finished, you go happily along, and never think about that organizing step until it becomes unbearable again and you are frustrated with yourself.

Here is one suggestion to avoid feeling as though you'll never get control of your time: Plan time in your schedule each week to look at what you have to do in the coming week or two, and thoughtfully plan it out. The key here is each week. Just like in brushing your teeth, you don't do it once and that's it. You need to actually plan time to plan your time. Set aside an hour on Friday afternoon each week, and you'll be amazed at the difference it makes!

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