Thursday, July 31, 2008

Return on Life: Be a leader, not a complainer

How often do we all read or hear a news account of a talented star athlete gone wrong? Literally on a daily basis, we read about DUIs, assaults, drug related arrests and more from professional athletes. We shake our heads and sigh, or complain--and move on with our lives. One former professional athlete has decided to DO something about it. Michael Irvin, former Dallas Cowboys superstar and NFL Hall of Famer--and former bad boy himself--has, over the past several years mentored several of the current NFL problem players. And now he's gone a step beyond that.

He convinced NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to bring all the NFL rookies to Hall of Fame activities in Canton, OH. By doing so, he hopes to help these young players grasp the bigger picture earlier on in their careers. And Goodell enthusiastically agreed. Irving is choosing to be a leader.

Think about people and situations that are not going the way you believe they should. Are you merely complaining, or is there a way you can influence the situation? Complaining and casting blame is much easier, but by making the choice to be a leader, you can truly help create a better Return on Life for everyone involved!

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