Monday, August 11, 2008

Return on Life: What can we learn from "What not to Wear"?

As you watch the 2008 Summer Olympics, keep your eye out for U.S. swimmer Tara Kirk. Tara was the focus of a "What not to Wear" makeover which aired July 25, and she'll be looking great! "What not to Wear" fascinates me, partly due to the great fashion ideas, but even more so from the psychological aspect. I love watching the transformation the participants go through in one week in terms of the psyche as much as their physical appearance. And many of them accomplish the transition kicking and screaming all along the way.

That's where Tara was different, and it's a great lesson in the difference your attitude makes. Her appearance was transformed as much as any other guest on the show. But her attitude was in the right place from the start. Instead of arguing that a certain style wouldn't work, or having a meltdown when she tried something Stacey and Clint suggested, she listened to their suggestions, internalized the dos and dont's, and when the first few items didn't work, she kept trying--without getting emotional about it. It was not difficult to see why she is an Olympic athlete. She approached change with an open mind and persevered in the face of obstacles.

Think about your own reaction to change. Do you go along, but only under duress, or do you embrace the possibilities and treat it as an opportunity for improvement? Do you give it one shot, but then immediately abandon the whole idea if it doesn't immediately work out? The same attitude that helped Tara make the U.S. Olympic swim team can help you soar in your life as well!

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